(Click here to view the 2011 Community Service Annual Report)
One of the best uses for inmates in terms of repaying society in combination with cost savings for our county is our community offender labor programs. We use carefully screened, low risk and minor offenders and work them on various projects and assignments.
This is not to be confused with work release, where an offender is released by a judge long enough each day to work for his employer and not under constant supervision.
With our Inmate Community Service Program inmate crews are either supervised by well trained sworn officers or by civilians employed by other government agency that have been trained to perform the inmate supervision.
This type of program is not without risk. Anytime an inmate is outside the walls of the facility the risks are escalated. These offenders have to be carefully selected and we must be on guard for an increased opportunity for escape and smuggling contraband into the facility.
The inmates wear jail issued, easily identifiable and visible uniforms. All inmates are thoroughly searched as well as randomly drug tested for drugs and alcohol usage. Offenders who violate the rules of the program are terminated and returned to the main jail.
These programs are good for the community and the inmates while providing the inmates with some real life work experience.
Screened prisoners under escort work outside the fence, while higher-security inmates work on the inside. One caution placed on the program is that no working Kentuckian be deprived of work.
The community appreciates the work of inmates and frequently acknowledges the help provided by inmates.
Finally, the inmates have learned the many benefits, both practical and spiritual of paying back to society.
Nonprofit and government agency recipients of the labor and resources provided by the community service program achieve results that would have been impossible under today's budgetary constraints.
Prisoner participants learn the value of a job well done. They also receive the gratitude and praise of those they assist. We benefit by providing productive work, eased tension, and promote positive feedback.